One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

About the BS in Accounting Degree

Why Study Accounting at Cedarville?

打开你的道路,在公共或企业会计有回报的职业生涯与沙巴体育独特的基督教会计计划. 这个项目旨在帮助你在职业上取得成功,不仅仅是为你的工作做准备. 无论神把你带到哪里,你都将学习如何通过你的职业产生福音的影响.

会计通常被称为“商业语言”,因为会计师将复杂的财务信息传达给商业决策者. You'll learn to analyze past 活动, forecast future operations, measure performance, track expenses, and provide internal controls to prevent fraud or theft. Beyond equipping you with these essential skills, 该计划鼓励你通过服务来领导,并在工作场所用你的正直来荣耀神. 毕业后,你将准备好在商业世界中发挥影响力.

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What Sets Cedarville Apart?

Program Overview

Program Highlights

Comprehensive -你将被介绍到会计的每个主要部门:财务, 管理, 审计, 税, governmental and nonprofit, and accounting information systems.

Christ-focused – With biblical integration in every course, 你将会受到挑战,成为一名成功的会计师和有道德的专业人士,用你的职业来荣耀神. 你还将面临挑战,运用你的商业技能和知识为个人服务, 教堂, and nonprofit organizations.

Accomplished – As a Cedarville accounting major, 你将成为俄亥俄州大学统一注册会计师(CPA)考试首次通过率最高的项目的一部分. 会计专业以及额外的注册会计师集中提供了必要的课程,以满足在俄亥俄州和许多其他州参加注册会计师考试的要求.

Placement Success

We’re proud of our successful graduates! 100% of recent graduates from the 罗伯特W. 毕业后六个月内被石膏商学院聘用或进入研究生院. Check out Cedarville's other placement rates.

Members of Cedarville's Integrated Business Core

School of Business Gets National Attention

阅读最近的一篇文章,重点介绍了集成业务核心(简称IBC)。, 这门课程为所有雪松维尔商科专业的学生提供了设想新业务的机会, secure venture capital, develop a strategic plan, market their product, analyze their profits, invest in the community, and close down the business -- all in one semester!

What Can I Do With a Degree in Accounting?

拥有锡达维尔大学会计学学士学位, you will be prepared for careers such as:

  • 审计师
  • Budget analyst
  • 控制器
  • 联邦调查局特工
  • Financial analyst
  • Internal auditor
  • 国税局代理
  • Management consultant
  • 税务顾问

我们的毕业生在安永(EY)等公司找到了专业工作, 德勤, 毕马威(KPMG), Grant Thornton, Plante Moran, 克罗, 克拉克, Schaeffer, 哈科特, 注册会计师, 和棉絮, 莫里森, Wales and Lee, as well as major corporations including Progressive Insurance, JPMorgan Chase, and LexisNexis.

研究生和专业项目以及雇主每年都欢迎沙巴体育的毕业生. 重要的是要注意,一些专业的职业领域可能需要额外的教育, 经验, 和/或在完成雪松维尔大学本科学位之后获得的许可证.



Opportunities to Learn Outside the Classroom


Internships -实习给你会计领域的实际经验. 我们的学生在会计师事务所实习中获得了宝贵的经验, major corporations, and small businesses.

Integrated Business Core (IBC) — Recognized by The Washington Post, 这个两个学期的课程可以让你将课堂学习与实际的商业经验相结合. As part of a team, you will develop a business plan, obtain financing, market and sell a product, and donate your profits to a local charity.

Student Organizations -学生可选择参加与商科有关的学生组织:

  • The Accounting Society — This organization, open to all accounting majors, 提供职业探索和与商务人士交流的机会.
  • Student Leadership Team (SLT) — The SLT serves the 罗伯特W. 通过在学生和教师之间建立社区来巩固商学院, fostering relationships, and planning and executing events and programs.
  • Women in Business - Women in Business是一个致力于帮助职业女性学习如何实现职业目标的组织, 在家里, and in service.

Program Curriculum

Building on your core liberal arts and Bible minor courses, 你将学习具有挑战性的会计课程,这些课程将为你在认证考试中取得成功提供所需的知识.g., CPA, CMA) exam. In financial accounting courses, you will 了解复杂的会计问题,学习分析和解释财务报表的工具. In 管理 accounting courses, 你将学习如何帮助企业利用会计信息做出好的商业决策.

Sample Courses:

  • Accounting Information Systems
  • Federal Income Tax

Start Your Degree in High School!

现在就选择双录取课程来节省时间和金钱. 了解如何提前一年完成商学学位 Dual Enrollment Pathway to Business.

Explore the Dual Enrollment Pathway

Program Format and Related Programs

锡达维尔提供研究生和本科课程,有灵活的完成选择. You may also want to 当你考虑最适合你的学位或项目时,请考虑这些相关的项目.


From Our Students:

Job and Grad School Placement

Program Faculty

Photo of Lindsey Howell

Lindsey Howell, MAcc

Assistant Professor of Accounting


Photo of Anne Rich

Anne Rich, MS, CPA

Professor of Accounting


Program News