
About the Doctor of Pharmacy Degree

Why Study Pharmacy at Cedarville?

Cedarville's unique Christian Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program will equip you for a fulfilling career in the innovative field of pharmacy. 今天,药剂师是医疗团队的重要组成部分, providing patient care, 与医生合作进行复杂的药物治疗, 并作为全国最大的免疫接种提供者. It’s the perfect career to blend your interest in the sciences with your passion for serving people, 而锡达维尔大学的药学博士项目将帮助你实现这一梦想.

You'll be prepared to transform lives and impact the healthcare system by engaging the dynamic environment of 21st-century healthcare with a solid Christian perspective. 向全国公认的研究人员学习, 并发现如何将你的信仰融入到你的专业实践中. 我们准备未来的药剂师满足物理, emotional, 以及病人的精神需求,他们有信仰的道德和承诺.

如果你已经在另一所学校完成了本科课程,并计划去 apply for the doctorate program,你可以在我们的网站上找到先决条件、申请和面试信息 professional pharmacy admission path 页面.

Request Info 时间表 an Appointment

What Sets Cedarville Apart?

  • Distinct Mission

    沙巴体育准备有能力的专业人士谁带来了富有同情心, biblical perspective to their profession.
  • Critical Need

    Career demand and the expanding role of pharmacists in healthcare leads to a rewarding career of serving patients.
  • Proven Results

    Our graduates exceed national averages for pharmacy licensing test pass rate and being placed in residencies.

Program Overview

Doctor of Pharmacy Program Highlights

Accredited -沙巴体育药学院的博士课程获得了美国药学会的认证 Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education 脊髓.

Early Decision — Students applying through PharmCAS will have opportunity to apply through Cedarville’s early decision program. 通过提前决定录取的学生将不会被列入候补名单,而是将被列入候补名单 获得专业项目第一年的奖学金.

圣经 — Your academic program will be strengthened by incorporating Scripture throughout all coursework. Cedarville’s commitment to the authority of the Bible is the basis for discussions on medical ethics, the sanctity 生命,起源,以及信仰和学习的平衡整合. 因此,你将被装备去影响你的职业和基督的文化.

Future Thinking — The School of Pharmacy's Center for Pharmacy Innovation 寻求创造性的,圣经今天的解决方案,以满足未来的医疗保健挑战.

Innovative Curriculum — The four-year professional curriculum — designed to meet the latest accreditation standards and to address contemporary topics in pharmacy — features a modular approach, 使您逐步掌握课程内容. 课堂时间集中在沙巴体育技能和为临床病人护理做准备.  大约三分之一的课程在校外的卫生系统中进行, pharmacies, 诊所, and pharmaceutical companies, just to name a few. The program 有6年或7年的完成计划吗.

Mentoring Faculty — You will study with professors who have high academic credentials as well as extensive clinical and research experience. They are leaders in the pharmacy profession, engaged in innovative, 作为药学创新中心的一部分进行变革性研究, recognized by their peers, 咨询 受到媒体的追捧,并作为培训师和演讲者受到追捧. Most importantly, 他们爱主,并将鼓励和引导你的教育旅程的每一步, 重视门徒训练是沙巴体育制药博士项目的一个关键特点.

State-of-the-art Facilities -您将在宽敞的,屡获殊荣的 Health Sciences Center, which features the latest 在教学技术和药学实验室和模拟设备. 该中心还包括多个小组会议室,用于合作研究和学习.


At the 2020 White Coat Ceremony, David Vance, class president, 分享了在锡达维尔大学成为一名专业药学学生意味着什么.

Center for Pharmacy Innovation

Cedarville University's Center for Pharmacy Innovation seeks to advance the profession of pharmacy by developing novel approaches to patient care and expanding pharmacists' roles as part of a collaborative healthcare team.


药剂学是一个需求不断增长的动态领域. 您的药学博士学位可以引导您从事以下职业:

  • Ambulatory Care Clinics
  • Chain Pharmacy Management
  • Clinical Specialists (e.g., Oncology, Cardiology, Pediatrics, etc.)
  • Community Pharmacy Ownership
  • Community and Retail Pharmacies
  • Drug and Poison Information Services
  • Home Infusion Services
  • Hospital Pharmacies
  • Hospital Pharmacy Administration
  • International Medical Missions
  • Long-term Care Pharmacy
  • Managed Care Services
  • Medical and Drug Informatics
  • Medical Publishing
  • Nuclear Pharmacy Services
  • Pharmaceutical 研究
  • Professional Associations
  • Specialty Compounding Services
  • University Teachings

每一个你.S. state and territory may have different professional licensure requirements for licensing pharmacists. Cedarville ensures that its programs meet the educational prerequisites for professional licensure within the State of Ohio. If you plan to seek licensure outside of Ohio, you should contact your Cedarville academic advisor as well as your state licensure board to confirm licensure requirements for your state or territory before beginning the Doctor of Pharmacy program.

PharmD + MBA student Cora Duran shares how becoming a business-minded pharmacy professional will allow her to pursue her dream of opening a pharmacy to serve low-income and no-income families.

See how alumni are putting their Cedarville pharmacy training into practice and making an impact for God's glory within diverse fields of pharmacy:

Julia Gardner: Pediatric Oncology

Even through her own medical crises, 朱莉娅·加德纳(Julia Gardner)感到得到了药学院教师和同学的支持. 看看她鼓舞人心的旅程,这使她更有专业精神, 善良, and empathy in her own work.

Neil Fox: Intensive Care

Neil Fox shares how his experiences at Cedarville prepared him well to serve in an intensive care setting.

Anna Staudt:慢性病状态管理

药学博士毕业生Anna Staudt在Cedarville期间受到了参与其中的挑战. 看看她的经历如何加深了她的热情,让她有能力更好地为病人服务."

Joshua Pearson: Free Clinic

Why are pharmacists important in healthcare? Joshua Pearson describes his work experience and outlines how his time at Cedarville prepared him to serve the underserved in a free clinic setting.

Caleb Hasty: Oncology

Caleb Hasty shares how Cedarville prepared him to support both the physical and spiritual needs of his patients in his work in the oncology field.

Opportunities to Learn Outside the Classroom

You will have many co-curricular opportunities to complement your coursework and enhance your resume.

Experiential Learning — As a PharmD student, you will become a licensed intern in the state of Ohio during your first year in the professional program (you may also choose to gain licensure in another state as well). This will allow you to work in various pharmacies and health-systems/hospitals during your PharmD program. 您将在整个课程中完成体验式培训, 让你把在课堂上学到的知识沙巴体育到现实生活中, 包括在我们当地的药房, CedarCare Village Pharmacy, 我们在哪里实施创新的病人护理服务.

Professional Organizations — You will be able to participate in professional organizations and in some cases take on leadership roles at the state or national level.

研究 — Working with a faculty adviser, you can choose to conduct cutting-edge, innovative research.

外展 — You can participate in a short-term medical missions trip or work in local pharmacies or 诊所 that care for underserved populations, 当我们试图改变全球病人的生活时.

Serving Through Medical Missions

A group of Cedarville University students use what they are learning in their nursing and pharmacy coursework to serve the people of the Dominican Republic.

Admission, Costs and Aid, Start Dates

Admission Requirements — The first step in your graduate school journey at Cedarville is to apply to the program through the Pharmacy Centralized Application Service (PharmCAS) and complete the free Cedarville 研究生 Application.

PharmD Admission Requirements

Costs and Financial Aid — Your decision to pursue quality, Christian graduate education represents a valuable investment in your career and professional development. To assure your degree is also affordable, Cedarville graduate programs are competitively priced and can be supplemented with a variety of financial aid.

PharmD Cost Information

Program Start Dates — You can enroll and begin classes in August.

Program Curriculum

Your four-year professional curriculum 是 designed to meet the latest accreditation standards, including contemporary topics in pharmacy. 它采用模块化方法,让您逐步掌握课程内容. 加上课程表,便于广泛的实践 与教师导师一起体验和小组学习, 这种教育经历为你作为药剂师的职业生涯提供了特殊的准备.

How long is pharmacy school at Cedarville? 药学博士有6年或7年两种完成计划.

Sample courses:

  • 生物伦理学
  • 药学实践经验介绍1-6

Start Your Degree in High School!

现在就选择双录取课程来节省时间和金钱. 了解如何在短短六年内完成您的药学博士学位 Dual Enrollment Pathway to Pharmacy.

Explore the Dual Enrollment Pathway

Program Format and Related Programs

锡达维尔提供研究生和本科课程,有灵活的完成选择. You may also want to consider these related programs as you consider the degree or program that is a best fit for you.


From Our Students:

Learn About Career Services

Program 联系s

Photo of Thad Franz

Thad Franz, PharmD



Photo of Gayle Wilken

Gayle Wilken



Program News