One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville
Male history professor using whiteboard to illustrate concepts to the class

Department of History and Government

Biblically Grounded. Academically Rigorous. Ideologically Conservative.

If these are attributes you are looking for in an academic program, Cedarville's Department of History and Government, in the School of Arts and Humanities, is for you! We are shaping “change agents” — graduates who love the Lord with their minds, integrate their faith with their personal and professional lives, demonstrate excellence in their fields to glorify God, serve with the humility of the Savior, and ultimately influence their culture for the cause of Christ.

Our approach to history and government is unique. We begin with a biblical, Christ-centered foundation. Rather than touting autonomous self-determination (a commonly held belief in our disciplines), we affirm God as the ultimate authority. Principles from God’s Word guide discussions about history, public service, society, and the global economy. Department faculty will challenge you with high standards and rigorous curriculum so that you are prepared for what God has called you to do.  Cedarville’s niche has long been conservative evangelicalism and the Department is committed to equipping students for practical involvement in a culture that is often hostile to those who live their lives based on the principles of God’s Word.

The faculty of our department are dedicated to remaining current in their fields and participating in their professional academic arenas. Modeling the process of “engagement,” department faculty read prominent journals, attend conferences, present papers, and publish scholarly articles and books. They are committed to the principle that to be effective teachers in their fields, they must be actively engaged either through scholarship or professional involvement. Many of the faculty have had extensive experience in the field in which they teach.  The end result is greater effectiveness in the classroom, timely and up-to-date presentations, and a challenging academic atmosphere. Faculty in the department will broaden your thinking and stretch your horizons. They will care about you as a person and encourage you to grow in your relationship with Christ.

Our department offers a number of excellent major programs including Criminal Justice, Forensic Science, History, International Studies, Political Science, Prelaw, and Social Studies Education. Each of these programs provides the balanced education prized by employers and graduate schools: a strong core of required courses, electives that allow you to specialize and explore further, and a capstone project that brings together all elements of your academic experience. If God has given you a desire to serve Him as an archivist, diplomat, government official, historian, librarian, politician, public administrator, public historian, or sociologist, seriously consider Cedarville University! We will prepare you to be a “change agent” for Jesus Christ.

Get Involved!

If you're avid about history and government, don't miss these opportunities to take your learning to the next level! Explore co-curricular activities like Mock Trial and Model United Nations, and see how you can grow your skills in the arena of critical thinking, diplomacy, and conflict resolution, while bringing glory to God and growing together with your peers.

History and Government Co-Curricular Activities